Create a url link with JasperReports

To make a textField a hyperlink to an external URL, you need to add the attributehyperlinkType="Reference" to the element, and add a  tag within it. The reference expression is where you put the URL.
For example:

The hyperlinkTarget attribute behaves in the same way as the target attribute in HTML.
Note that only textFields, images and charts can be hyperlinked in this way.
For a more in-depth explanation and more examples, see this jasperforge page.

Can I manual select JRE to startup iReport ?

Edit the file /etc/ireport.conf
there is a line to set a specific jre to use  (jdkhome=”/path/to/jdk”)
Uncomment it (removing the #) and set your favorite jdk. I assume you can use a jre too instead of a jdk.